Monday, August 1, 2011

A Sentimental Goodbye

When I was expecting, a year ago, my mom and dad, who live in Germany (I am in California) said they would be coming to stay with us for a few weeks to visit and help out with the new little one.  Libby decided to come early, June 29th instead of her due date of July 19th.  When my parents arrived, baby girl was two weeks old.  My mom actually decided to stay couple months longer while my dad headed back home to go back to work.  We loved having my mom with us so much, we asked her to stay until Libby turned one and she immediately agreed!  My mom has been just the best.  In addition to the baby, she helps out with Colten so much.  She has taught me new recipes, we've had fun shopping, getting a tatoo (!), going on adventures to the California Academy of Science, the beach and the Livermore and San Francisco Ballets.  She has become my very best friend.  Again.  This past year we've had conversations about anything and everything.  We've agreed and disagreed.  We've laughed and cried. It has been a fantastic year.  I don't know if I'll ever again have the opportunity to be as close to my mom as I am now and I feel so very blessed for this time we've had together.

My daughter celebrated her first birthday over a month ago and it is now time for my mom to leave.  I wanted to give her something very special that would represent the time she shared with my little family.  I saw an ad on Thifty Decor Chick's blog that caught my eye.  So I clicked and was taken to Back 40 Life  where I saw the cutest project and knew it would be absolutely perfect to give my mom.  Even better was the customization.  With their products you can choose from different fonts, colors and on the last line you can add a name and date if desired.

I bought two sturdy 10" x 13" frames from Target for $9.99 each.  The decals I had ordered from Back40Life were 8" x 10".

When mom wasn't looking I took both children to the backyard, covered their hands with poster paint and let them make their prints on construction paper.  This was a fun task for Colten.  Not so fun for Libby.  It's not that she didn't mind the paint, she just wanted to do a lot more than make a handprint then wipe the paint off!

Following the instructions provided with the decals I rubbed the words on the glass of the frames.  It took just a few minutes to do each one.

These really capture how we all feel.  They were wonderful gifts, my mom just adored them and they are something that will, when she looks at them, always remind her of the special year we all shared.

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